Teach your Special Education students to become independent learners!
Give every student the opportunity to build their confidence with independent work systems that bring routine and structure to your classroom so you can . . .
get your time back
free up paraprofessionals
get organized (both you AND your students)
give students the confidence to work on their own
track data with ease
implement a seamless routine that will impress your administration
Is this life-changing program right for me?
You love your job as an educator, but you’re spending so much time tracking data and trying to keep each student on task, that you can’t find time to create routine and structure in your classroom and spend quality instructional time with every student.
It feels a lot like you’re putting out little fires all day long.
You know that working independently is a lifelong skill that your students need to be successful in school, at home, and in life! But you haven’t found a routine that works for every student. (Yes, even the one who gets up to “get a drink” every 2 minutes.)
You are an over-worked special education teacher who is looking to promote independence, gain back time, and are ready to take back control of your classroom.

Wahooo! If THIS is you, you're in the right place.
I am going to tell you exactly how the Independent Work Systems online course will give you the tools, inspiration, and step-by-step guide on how to successfully implement this system in your classroom.
By the end of this program,
you will have…
- chosen the space you want your independent work systems to be (instead of constantly just thinking about it).
- chosen one or two systems to start with (from the 6 different systems that I will share with you).
- gathered or put together all of the material needed for your work system (including the furniture, materials, and tasks).
- chosen the data tracking system that you want to use (and printed them given the PDF that I provide).
- learned how to implement the independent work system from start to finish.
- trained your paraprofessionals on how to implement the system and how to take accurate data.
- trained students how to use the systems with minimal prompting.
- learned how to keep all of your materials organized (no matter how little storage space you have).
What ARE Independent Work Systems, anyways?
There are 6 types of independent work systems that can be implemented in your classroom. In this video, my six-year-old son, Jacob, is going through a modified version of the 3-drawer bin system, that I have set up for him at home.
Watch to see this in action and see how great it is for fostering student independence!
“Lisa is one of the most organized and knowledgeable teachers that I have ever met!
I used her framework to start independent work systems in my self-contained classroom. I had students who were not yet as independent as I was hoping. I also wasn’t implementing them the right way. Lisa allowed me to go step-by-step to implement these work systems and now I have students working for 30 minutes at a time with no prompting by adults. It’s a miracle.”

What’s Inside the
Independent Work Systems
online course?
Module 1
Introduction to Independent Work Systems
Module Description: In this module you will learn what exactly independent work systems are, why special education teachers across the nation are using them and what are the benefits for the students and the teachers.
Lesson Highlights:
- what are independent work systems?
- why should we use them?
- what are the benefits?
- Crystal clear understanding of Independent Works Systems and their benefits
Resource Included:
- Printable visual of independent work systems benefits for your classroom

Module 2
How do I set it all up?
Module Description: In this module, I will explain to you the 6 different types of independent work systems and give you video and photographic examples of what this may look like. I will also go over the space that you will need, all the different materials to gather, and what equipment or furniture you may need. I will touch on the schedule that will be used as well.
Lesson Highlights:
- the 6 types of Independent Work Systems
- which system will work for you and your space?
- what materials you will need?
- what furniture will you need?
- what schedule will you follow?
- You chose your space for your independent work systems
- You chose the type of system you're going to start with in your classroom
- A 48 PAGE Independent Work Systems Starter pack
- Complete cheat sheet for each type of work system and list of materials needed
- Printable overview of all 6 types of Independent Works Systems
Module 3
What do I use for activities?
Module Description: In this module, I'll go over which activities or tasks that you should be using in your independent work systems. I will even share some things that you could get donated or even find around your house. I am even giving away some free tasks so that you have some to start with!!
Lesson Highlights:
- defining what mastery is
- recognizing student level of independence and prompting
- answering the four important questions
- examples of different activities that can be used
- FREE activities are given to you to start implementing right away
- The structure and details of your independent work systems will be set
- You will know how to "flow" your independent work systems with your students
- A clear understanding of what tasks to include in your independent workstations
- Printable 4 Essential Questions for the work system process for your students
- FOUR ready-to-go activities to get you started with your students ASAP!
- 20+ activity ideas to get you started

Module 4
Module Description: In this module, I explain why the training piece is so incredibly important. I'll show you how to train your staff and your students how to use these systems efficiently and effectively.
Lesson Highlights:
- why training is so important
- getting your paraprofessionals to buy-in
- training your staff
- training your students
- The knowledge to train students and paraprofessionals on how to use the system
- Printable, at a glance reference for training your staff and students
Module 5
Module Description: In this module I teach you how to start, guiding you through each day. How to fade or add support, and how to properly prompt and fade it. I even include some video modeling. I walk you through the process step-by-step so that you, your staff, and your students feel successful.
Lesson Highlights:
- talks about the first 2 weeks of implementation
- how to fade support
- how to fade prompting
- how to increase the difficulty
- troubleshooting as you implement
- Confidence to implement the systems with my step-by-step timeline
- You'll have answers to the most common hiccups in the first two weeks of implementation
- The know-how to increase rigor and have these systems grow WITH your students
- Printable, at-a-glance reference of implementation steps

Module 6
Staying Organized
Module Description: In this module, I teach you how I use datasheets for progress monitoring and keeping inventory. I show you how I store tasks and activities and how to keep them all organized. I will make sure that you have all the tools in place to keep your classroom and workstations organized.
Lesson Highlights:
- exploring data sheets
- looking at your inventory
- how to effectively take data
- task organization
- Your data collection is efficient, organized, and EASY to implement
- Impress your admin (and parents!) with detailed data for each student
- Printable done-for-you data tracker
- Printable inventory list for Independent work systems
- Printable planning guide for Independent work systems
Module 7
Module Description: In this module, I will be putting all the frequently asked questions that I get regarding setting up independent work systems in the classroom.
Lesson Highlights:
- frequently asked questions others have had while implementing Independent Work Systems in their classroom
- Feel confident in asking me (Lisa) questions because they'll get answered here OR in our private, members-only Facebook Group!
- 3-hour Professional Development Certificate for completion of the course
Let's Take a Sneak Peak
In LESS than ONE hour a week, you will be completely CONFIDENT in your independent work systems and ready to introduce them to your students!
I will support you every step of the way with FIVE Facebook lives (one each week) to answer ANY questions you have as you're going through the course and build in accountability!

Hey, I'm Lisa!
I have been teaching self-contained classrooms for the past 14 years. I am also a mom of a special needs son (you'll see him pictured at the very top of this page) He is the light of my life and the passion behind me wanting all students to become as independent as possible.
I started creating this course because I was getting so many questions on how to implement independent work systems in their classrooms and even many teachers wondering why it is so important.
Implementing Independent work systems in my classroom has completely changed the dynamic of the classroom and has helped the students become independent learners. It has catapulted student progress and mastery.
This course was made for you, the teacher who wants to gain back control in the classroom, the teacher who wants organization and to get students to the next level!
I cannot wait to show you how to completely change your classroom and I cannot wait for you to share your stories of success and student growth!
I'll see you inside the Independent Work Systems online course.
When you enroll during this special, limited time period,
you’ll get:
The Independent Work Systems
online class
(A $997 Value)
7 Modules
You will get all the training, printable resources, and support that you need to start implementing independent work systems in your classroom right away.
Video training
Easy-to-implement video trainings with hands-on demonstrations to show you how I implement independent work systems in my classroom. -
Printable PDFs
you'll get 12 different ready-to-go printable resources to help you get started fast!- Data tracker
- Inventory list
- Planning guide
- Implementation reference
- At-a-glance training guide for staff and students
- 4 done-for-you activities
- 20+ more activity ideas
- Work systems starter pack
- "Cheat Sheet" for each type of work system with a shopping list made for you!
Checklists and guides
I provide so many different checklists and guides that you can print out and hang up or place in a binder to help you through the process. -
Lifetime Access
I give you lifetime access to the course so that you can go through the course multiple times, get a refresher after the summer or even start at a later date! -
Lifetime Updates
All future course updates will be added to your course library at no additional cost to you. That means as I improve this course and add new materials, you'll get access to ALL of them instantly!
Plus you'll get access to exclusive BONUSES!
Bonus #1
Live Coaching in Our Exclusive, Members ONLY Facebook Group
sometimes only other special education teachers only really ever get it. It would be nice to talk to someone else while you are taking this course to bounce ideas off of and collaborate with. During the 4 weeks that the course is running live, I’ll be in the Facebook group weekly during "office hours" to provide support and answer questions. After that, I’ll check in to answer your questions pretty regularly, but you’ll also have an entire community of educators to ask questions, trade ideas, and share wins with!
(A $450 Value)
What You’ll Get:
- Access to the Members Only Facebook group
- I will be available daily to answer any questions that you may have
- ability to share ideas and ask questions within the group setting
- I will be sharing some freebies along the way
- ability to share photos and videos to see everyone else's systems
- ability to chat in real-time while you are going through the course

Bonus #2
Free printable resource pack
I am including free resources to help you get started in your independent work systems. These will be printable PDFs that you can prep and have ready at the beginning of the implementation phase.
(A $50 Value)
What You’ll Get:
- task boxes
- file folder games
- adapted books
- cut and paste worksheets
- errorless activities

Bonus #3
Professional Certificate
Administration will love that this specific course will get you a professional certificate for completed professional development.
(A $100 Value)
What You’ll Get:
- a professional development certificate that you can print out and give to your administrators

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:
Independent Work Systems online course - $997 Value
Module 1 - Introduction to independent work systems and their benefits
Module 2 - How to set up your independent work systems
Module 3 - What to use for activities in your independent work systems
Module 4 - How to train your staff and students to use the independent work systems
Module 5 - Implementation of your independent work systems during the first two weeks (and beyond!)
Module 6 - How to stay organized in your independent work systems
Module 7 - All the frequently asked questions (and their answers!!) people have asked during the setup and implementation of their independent work systems!
ACCESS TO 12 DONE-FOR-YOU PDFS with READY-TO-GO RESOURCES so you can start changing lives - NOW!
- Bonus 1 Exclusive, Members-Only Facebook Group with weekly live coaching - $ 450 Value
- Bonus 2 Free Resources - $50 Value
- Bonus 3 Professional Certificate - $100 Value
Total Value: $997
When you add it all up, that’s a value of $997
But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just $97:

Got questions?
What if I don't have a ton of time to get started right now?
What if my classroom has limited space?
How can I find activities and tasks to help me get started?
Do I need any equipment to help me get started with Independent Work Systems?
When would I get the bonuses?
I want to enroll, but funds are tight right now, any ideas?
I'm a homeschooling parent, is this right for me?
I'm a general education teacher, is this right for me?
Enroll in the Independent Work Systems online course Today!
The choice is yours!
You can keep trying to figure out how to give students the CONFIDENCE to be independent OR you can join this program to get all the training, printable resources, and support you need to implement independent learning systems, along with a community of educators who are doing the same!
Still not sure if independent systems are right for your students?
What if I told you your classroom could look like this…
- Each student is at their independent work station, working on tasks they can confidently complete without prompting
- Paraprofessionals are standing back from their students, allowing the student to take charge of their learning and share successes
- The teacher (that’s you!) is able to spend intentional time with a small group or 1:1 conference with a student because every student is engaged in meaningful learning
- The routine of the classroom flows, with students following each step like clockwork. (If your admin stopped in for a visit, you wouldn’t even bat an eye!)