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3 Simple and Powerful Ways to Cultivate Independence in Your Special Education Classroom
Before you go ... I have a special deal, only available to my free training registrants!
No thank you, straight to the training!
SnagΒ this Visual Schedules Bundle atΒ 30% off in this exclusive registration-only deal!
(usually $7 on TPT)
Spending countless hours searching for images to create your own visual schedules?
Say goodbye to the stress of manual schedule creation. Embrace the simplicity and effectiveness of using this made-for-you resource!
This Visual Schedule Bundle contains everything you need to get your structured special education classroom set up!
What's inside?
This download includes:
π 14 different color-coded schedule stips
π 156 Schedule IconsΒ in 2 different sizes
π Color-coded icons (14 colors)
π First-Then Charts (various sizes)
π Schedule flipchart
π First-Then-Next charts (various sizes)
Schedule Icons include, but not limited to:
- 1:1 support
- Art
- Arts & crafts
- Assembly
- Babysitter
- Backpack
- Bathroom
- Breakfast
- Brush teeth
- Bus
- Calm body
- Calendar
- Carpet time
- Centers
- Choose a game
- Circle time
- Clean up
- Coat
- Computer
- Cooking
- Cut
- Daycare
- Dismissal
- Dramatic play
- Eraser
- Field trip
- Fire drill
- Folder work
- Free choice
- Fun Friday
- Get your buddy
- Glue
- Go for a walk
- Go outside
- Gym
- Health
- Homeroom
- Independent reading
- Independent work
- iPad
- Journal
- Library
- Listen
- Listen to book
- Lunch
- Lunch box
- Math
- Math centers
- Morning meeting
- Morning work
- Music
- Music therapy
- Nap time
- Nurse
- OT (Occupational Therapy)
- PECS book
- PE (Physical Education)
- PT (Physical Therapy)
- Party
- Phonics
- Principals office
- Put in trash
- Recess
- Recycle bin
- Reading
- Read aloud
- Resource
- Rest time
- Schedule change
- Science
- Scissors
- Sensory area
- Set up
- Schedule change
- Sit in chair
- Sit on floor
- Small group
- Social skills
- Social studies
- Special activity
- Speech
- Stop
- Use your device
- Use your words
- Wait
- Wait in line
- Washing hands
- Wipe table
- Writing